Category: Community

Tawatinaw River Flood Study

Please be advised that Alberta Environment and Parks is conducting a multi-year flood study along approximately 7.5 km of Tawatinaw River, through Athabasca County, including the Hamlet of Rochester. Surveyors will be walking along the stream banks and either wading the creek or using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), depending on the flow conditions. The…

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Become a Member At Large

Athabasca County is seeking members of the community to serve as Members At Large on the Airport Committee and Assessment Review Board. Position descriptions and general information about the positions are as follows:   Athabasca Airport Committee (One) Member – 2-Year Term One County resident to serve as a Member at Large on the Athabasca…

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Fire Prevention Week – October 4 to 10

Each year fire services and the National Fire Prevention Association draw attention to things we can all do to be prepared for a fire in our home or workplace. Taking note of these suggestions and sharing them with your family can save lives.   Safety While Cooking – Cooking is the leading cause of home…

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Seniors Advocate – International Day of Older Persons

The Athabasca County FCSS Program recognizes and values the experience, contributions and wisdom of seniors. In honour of International Day of Older Persons on October 1, we celebrate the strength and community connections of seniors in our province. At FCSS, the Seniors Advocate provides information and assistance to seniors and their families to improve access…

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Announcement – Farm Women’s Conference & Awards

2021 Event Cancellation – It is with much regret that we announce the cancellation of the 2021 Farm Women’s Conference & Awards. The Agriculture Services Board made the decision with the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, guidelines in place that limit attendance, and the safety of the Farm Women’s Awards Committee and those attending the function…

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Campground Bookings Open Today

Athabasca County Council has authorized the opening of Forfar Park and Hope Lake Campground on July 1, 2020. Campground managers and staff have been hired to run the facilities and will be taking bookings for the remainder of the camping season. As of June 24, 2020, bookings can be made by calling the campgrounds directly:…

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Fire Safety Tip – Grease Fires

Grease Fire in the kitchen? Never use water to put it out! Step 1:  While wearing an oven mitt, use the pot lid like a shield and slide it over the top of the pot. If you do not have a pot lid, a cookie sheet can be used instead. Step 2:  Turn off the…

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Social Services Support for COVID-19

The Government of Alberta is providing $30 million to municipalities, charitable, and non-profit organizations to provide help to individuals, seniors, families and other vulnerable Albertans who are isolated or impacted by measures to contain COVID- 19. In the Athabasca Region funding applications will be submitted to the Athabasca County FCSS program. The funding being provided…

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Athabasca County Conversation – November 20

The Athabasca County Conversation is a bi-weekly radio update that airs on BOOM 94.1. If you missed it on the radio you can listen to it here. This week’s segment offers information about the County’s Residential Snow Clearing Program, winter driving safety, and a reminder to avoid removing snow across municipal roads.     …

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Committee Member Opportunities

Athabasca County is seeking Members At Large to serve on the following committees: Subdivision & Development Appeal Board (One) Member – 3 Year Term One County resident to serve as Members at Large on the Subdivision & Development Appeal Board for a 3 year term ending December 31, 2022. The purpose of the Board is…

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