Tawatinaw River Flood Study

Please be advised that Alberta Environment and Parks is conducting a multi-year flood study along approximately 7.5 km of Tawatinaw River, through Athabasca County, including the Hamlet of Rochester.

Surveyors will be walking along the stream banks and either wading the creek or using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), depending on the flow conditions. The survey will start in early October, and will be focused on surveying the creek as well as bridge and culvert crossings. The majority of this survey work is expected to be complete by the end of October 2020.

The new flood study will include the following components:

  • LiDAR Collection
  • Aerial Imagery Collection
  • Survey & Base Data Collection
  • Hydrologic Assessment
  • Hydraulic Modelling
  • Flood Inundation Mapping
  • Flood Hazard Mapping

For more information visit: www.floodhazard.alberta.ca