Category: Agriculture Services

2024 Fence Line Spray Program Applications Open

Athabasca County’s Fence Line Spraying Program is accepting applications. The program helps to control noxious weeds along fence lines and headlands (Please note that completing the headlands adjacent to county roads will take priority over the fence line program). This program complements the annual roadside spray program, which controls brush, noxious and prohibited noxious weeds along…

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2024 Vegetation Control Program to Begin

Please be advised that the herbicide vegetation control program for Athabasca County will begin early June 2024 and will continue until about September 1, 2024.  The objective of the program is to control unwanted weeds, brush and trees in County right-of-ways.  The County does not use herbicides within 30 meters on either side of a…

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Grain Bag Roller Rental from February 26th-March 14th

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40th Annual Farm Women’s Conference & Awards on February 8th 2024

Join us on February 8th 2024 for the 40th Annual Farm Women’s Conference & Awards at the Athabasca Regional Multiplex. Presentations include Keynote Speaker Sharon Mallon, When You Find Your Passion with Lisa Roper Outdoors, and Agriculture Program Information with Lisa Card & Kerri O’Shaugnessy. Tickets are $35 each and can be purchased at the…

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40th Annual Farm Women’s Conference and Awards

Tickets are now on sale for the 40th Annual Farm Women’s Conference at the Athabasca Regional Multiplex on February 8th 2024 from 9am-4pm. Tickets are $35 each and can be purchased at the Athabasca County office, Athabasca Value Drugs, or online through Eventbrite with the attached link. Nominations are open for the Farm Women’s Conference…

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Nominations Open for Farm Women’s Conference & Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2024 Farm Women’s Conference & Awards. Do you know a woman who has worked unselfishly to make exceptional contributions to build a successful family farm? The Pioneer Farm Woman has participated and adapted to changes in farm practices over the years. The Modern Farm Woman is actively making a…

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Avian Influenza Notice – October 27 2023

Alberta currently has several municipalities experiencing confirmed cases of avian influenza in poultry operations. This currently includes Athabasca County. There is an extremely low risk to human health and no risk to food safety. The disease can be spread to farmed flocks during wild bird migratory season. Wild birds, especially waterfowl, are natural reservoirs of…

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2023 Tree Seedling Sale

Athabasca County is offering tree seedlings on a pre-order and pre-pay basis.  Seedlings are delivered in May 2023.  Residents of Athabasca County can order their choice of 16 species of trees, a pollinators package, and hemp squares for weed control.  Visit Tree Seedling Sale 2023 to view tree varieties and ordering information.  Contact Ag. Services…

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Subscribe to our E-Newsletters

Receive Council Meeting Highlights & the County Connection Newsletters directly to your inbox. When you sign up, your name will automatically be entered into a draw and each month 1 name will be drawn to win a camping chair, a blanket, a handheld ice scraper and a travel mug. Click the following link to sign…

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Become a Member At Large

Athabasca County is seeking members of the community to serve as Members At Large. Position descriptions and general information about the positions are as follows: Agricultural Services Board (One) Member – 1-Year Term ONE County resident to serve as a Members at Large on the Agricultural Services Board for a 1-year term. The membership of…

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