Category: Recreation Services

New Administration Office Hours

Athabasca County continues to adjust its operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. As of Monday, April 20th the County Administration Office will have new office hours: NEW ADMIN OFFICE HOURS 8 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Thursday Please note: Public Works and Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) hours of operation will remain unchanged. ————————…

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COVID-19 Update – Campground Opening Delayed

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and after considering recommendations by Alberta Health Services for reducing the risk of spread, Athabasca County has made the difficult decision to delay the opening of our campgrounds until June 1, 2020. We understand that in these stressful times people want to be outdoors; however, protecting the safety of…

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Office Closure Notice

Please be advised the Athabasca County Admin Office, Public Works, and FCSS/Parent Link building are closed to public access until further notice. This measure is being taken to protect our residents, staff, and communities, as we work to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. For those who need to make payments, electronic options are…

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Campground Booking Policy Change

Beginning on March 2, 2020 campground bookings are open for the camping season. Please note:  A policy change has been made and is in effect for this camping season. Reservations can only be made in the following ways: in-person at the County Admin Office, 3602 – 48th Avenue, Athabasca, AB  T9S 1M8 by telephone –…

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Athabasca Regional Multiplex & Fitness Centre Notice

CLOSED FOR WATER PIPE REPAIR The Athabasca Regional Multiplex & Fitness Centre is closed today (Wednesday, January 15, 2020) due to a water pipe that burst. Repairs and clean-up are currently taking place. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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2021 Seasonal Campsite Applications

Applications are now being accepted for Seasonal Campsites at Forfar and Hope Lake campgrounds for the 2021 Camping Season. In accordance with Athabasca County Policy 7630, residents of the County shall have first choice of selecting campsites. Should the requests for seasonal sites not exceed the number available, sites will be allocated on a first…

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Remembrance Day Office Closure

The Athabasca County Administration Building, Public Works and Family & Community Support Services offices will be closed to allow our staff to observe Remembrance Day. The offices will by open for regular business hours on Tuesday, November 12. If you encounter an emergency in relation to municipal services provided by Athabasca County, please call the…

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Council Holds 2019 Organizational Meeting

Members of Athabasca County Council met in Council Chambers for the County’s Organizational Meeting. The meeting is held annually to elect a Reeve and Deputy Reeve, as well as make a number of appointments to boards, committees and commissions. It also offers a chance for Councillors to express interest in new positions, or keep the…

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Stat Holiday Office Closure – Labour Day

Just a reminder that our offices will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2019 for Labour Day stat holiday. The After-Hours Emergency Line 780-689-9000 will remain in operation over the long weekend for emergencies connected with municipal services. If you encounter an emergency that requires Fire, Police or Ambulance please dial 9-1-1.  

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Request for Proposal: Jackfish Lake Campground

Athabasca County is issuing a request for proposal to manage, operate and maintain the Jackfish Lake Municipal Campground under a lease agreement for a period of up to four (4) years. Proposals can be submitted by interested groups, businesses, or individuals. RFP No: 2019-01R Issue Date: March 19, 2019 ANTICIPATED CONTRACT TERM May 15, 2019 to…

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