Category: Fire Services

County Fire Crews Containing Wildfire Near Jackfish Lake

On the afternoon of Wednesday May 3rd Athabasca County fire crews were dispatched to a fire north of Township 670 and east of Jackfish Lake. As of the morning of Thursday May 4th the fire has burnt approximately 100 hectares in size. The fire is being held by fire crews on the east of the…

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In-Person Meetings – Now By Appointment

To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Athabasca County Administration Office is changing the way we meet in-person with you effective December 1, 2020. Those wishing to conduct business with us are still welcome to come and meet with us in-person, however, we ask that all visitors to the Athabasca County office call ahead…

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Fire Prevention Week – October 4 to 10

Each year fire services and the National Fire Prevention Association draw attention to things we can all do to be prepared for a fire in our home or workplace. Taking note of these suggestions and sharing them with your family can save lives.   Safety While Cooking – Cooking is the leading cause of home…

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Become a Volunteer Firefighter

Volunteer firefighters are essential to providing a high level of fire and rescue services in Athabasca County and you can be part of this amazing team!   What you can learn and do: Train to be a firefighter, emergency first-aider, or both! Equipment, training, and all protective gear provided. Departments located in Athabasca, Baptiste Lake,…

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