Category: Featured

Colinton Bridge Closure

On May 27, 2022, Athabasca County identified safety concerns regarding the bridge on the old Colinton highway. A consultant has since assessed the bridge, and the County is exploring repair options. In the meantime, the bridge will remain closed for a minimum of 5 months for the safety of commuters and pedestrians. There are alternative…

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Request for Quotation – Bridge Inspection Management & Consulting Services

CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES   Request for Quotation – 2022 – 2024 Bridge Inspection Management and Consulting Services Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12:00 p.m. local time, Tuesday, June 28, 2022, for the following work: Provide qualified bridge inspection services, based upon the developed BIM program, for the years of 2022, 2023…

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2022 Fencing Services Request for Quotation

Quotations for installation and/or salvage of 3 and/or 4 wire fences for County projects along County right-of-ways are now being accepted from interested parties for the 2022 Construction and Maintenance Season. There is a possibility the Fencing Services contract may be extended for subsequent years upon agreement of both parties. Details of the requirements &…

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Test Your Internet Speed

The Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) is inviting rural residents to test their internet speeds and submit results to gauge the level of services residents receive in rural areas. Access to high-speed internet is necessary for economic development, and it’s known that rural Alberta lags behind urban internet speeds in many areas. To participate in…

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2022 Seasonal Campsites – Open January 4th

Applications will be accepted for Seasonal Campsites at Forfar and Hope Lake campgrounds beginning January 4, 2022. In accordance with Athabasca County Policy 7630, residents of the County shall have first choice of selecting campsites. Should the requests for seasonal sites not exceed the number available, sites will be allocated on a first come first…

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Farm Technology Program Funding

The Farm Technology Program being run through the Canadian Agriculture Partnership is offering funding to encourage the best management practices in farm security.  A maximum of $2,000 for Farm Security is available to producers on a 50% cost-share basis.  Eligible expenses include items such as remote monitoring cameras, remote fuel tank monitors, door sensors, driveway…

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Become a Member At Large

Athabasca County is seeking members of the community to serve as Members At Large. Position descriptions and general information about the positions are as follows:   Assessment Review Board (Four) Members – 3-Year Term Four County residents to serve as Members at Large on the Assessment Review Board for a 3-year term, ending October 2024….

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Official 2021 Municipal Election Results

Below are the official 2021 Municipal Election results.

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Notice of Election

Local Authorities Election Act (Sections 12, 35, 46, 53) Alberta Senate Election Act (Sections 5, 37) Referendum Act (Section 7) LOCAL JURISDICTION:  Athabasca County, PROVINCE OF ALBERTA  A.  Notice is hereby given that an ELECTION will be held for the filling of the following offices: B.  That an election will be held for the election…

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Notice of Advance Vote

Notice of Advance Vote and Requirements for Voter Identification Local Authorities Election Act (Section 12, 35, 46, 53) LOCAL JURISDICTION:  Athabasca County, PROVINCE OF ALBERTA  A. Notice is hereby given that ADVANCE VOTING will be held for the election for the filling of the following offices: B.  That an election will be held for the…

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