Category: Community

Pool and Fitness Centre – Project Update

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Wandering River Community Meeting

As a reminder to residents of Wandering River and area, a community meeting has been planned at the Wandering River Agriplex to discuss areas of concern. Place:  Wandering River Agriplex Time:  7:00 pm Date:  August 14, 2018 Using the input of residents, a list of topics for the meeting has been put together. It will…

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Athabasca County Library Board – Plan of Service

The Athabasca County Library Board is hosting interactive sessions to determine a plan of service for libraries in Wandering River, Grassland, and Rochester. The board is hosting the forums to allow members of the public to provide input on the services and programs provided in these community libraries. This input will help set a general…

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Community Assistance Grant – Apply Now

Athabasca County’s Recreation Board supports the recreation initiatives of community groups and offers help via the Community Assistance Grant. Assistance may be provided to community organizations whose proposals: a) Are complimentary to the objectives of the County Recreation Board. b) A benefit to the community, c) Show community involvement and support, d) Ensure long term…

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Hamlet and Roadway Clean-up Program

Fundraising Opportunity – Roadway and Hamlet Clean-up Program Athabasca County has a bi-weekly radio segment that airs on The BOOM 94.1 to help our residents, businesses and visitors stay up to date on County news. The segment airs every second Wednesday around 9:25 am. If you missed hearing it over the radio, you can listen…

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Youth Workshop: How to Money $$

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Workshop: Selling to Government

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Annual Property Assessment

Assessors will be conducting inspections beginning this week Assessors from Municipal Assessment Services Group (MASG) will be out conducting annual assessment inspections on behalf of Athabasca County starting in early July. The areas of re-inspection will include the following areas: Township 62 Range 24 & 25; Township 63 Range 23, 24 & 25; Township 64 Range…

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Fort McMurray Wildfire – Evacuee Info Sheet

This is likely one of the most uncertain times for residents of the Fort McMurray region and this information is being provided to help connect people staying in our region with needed resources. Please share this information with anyone in the region who might find it helpful. Much of the information here was taken from so…

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County, FCSS and ESS ready to provide assistance

Today 700 hamburgers and buns along with a pallet of water was delivered by County Staff to help people in Wandering River and Grassland. (Photo) – Jordan Foy of Athabasca County assists Canadian Tire employee Justin Kendell to load a pallet of bottled water. ATHABASCA, AB  –  Athabasca County has remained in regular contact with…

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