Category: Featured

Big Vision Tagline Contest

The Tourism and Economic Development Committee (TED) is looking for a tagline or catch phrase that speaks about our region’s economic development. The tagline may be used with future economic development branding purposes. Winning Slogan – $1,000 prize value • $500 gift card to a local business of your choice or credit towards tuition at…

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Boyle Seniors’ Symposium

This year’s Boyle Seniors’ Symposium takes place on Tuesday, June 11th from 10 am to 3:30 pm at the Boyle & District Seniors’ Drop-in Centre, 4800 – 3rd Street, Boyle.   This year’s conference features the following topics: • Mental Health Awareness – AB Health Services • Pet Care – Boyle Veterinary Services • Alberta…

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2019 Seniors’ Symposium Tickets – Athabasca

The 2019 Athabasca Senior’s Symposium takes place on Thursday, June 6th from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at the Athabasca Seniors’ Centre. The fee to attend is $12 including lunch, prizes and all the other activities planned for the day. Please pre-register by Monday, June 3rd to help us plan enough food for the day….

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Hamlet Street Sweeping Begins This Week

Athabasca County is requesting the assistance of residents and business owners to help us complete a full cleaning of streets in our hamlets. You can do so by ensuring all vehicles are removed from paved streets so we can collect all sand, gravel and debris that has gathered over the winter months. The work will…

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LUB & MDP Open House Survey

Survey Open Until Friday, May 17, 2019 – Athabasca County has completed all of the planned Open House sessions to review the proposed Land Use Bylaw and Municipal Development Plan with members of the public. We thank everyone who attended, contributed to the discussion and shared their ideas.               …

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RCMP Crime Mapping

Crime mapping is an innovative tool by which the Alberta RCMP is tackling the few offenders who commit the most crimes.  Athabasca County has added this mapping feature to our website to make everyone aware of current crime trends.

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Hamlet & Roadway Clean-up Program

Athabasca County provides community groups and/or individuals the opportunity to obtain funding by conducting the Hamlet & Roadway Clean-up for the municipality. This is an incentive program to enhance the appearance of our Hamlets and certain roadways and at the same time, help community members to raise money. The clean-up areas and rates are set…

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Workshop: Planting for Pollinators

Learn about our native pollinators and how to create a landscape that meets their resource needs at the upcoming workshop. Receive native flower seeds for planting. Build a bee hotel for mason & leafcutter bees. Build a bumblebee box. It all takes place 6 pm to 7:30 pm | Thursday, March 14 Athabasca Agri-plex $10…

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