Category: Community

Fort McMurray Wildfire – Evacuee Info Sheet

This is likely one of the most uncertain times for residents of the Fort McMurray region and this information is being provided to help connect people staying in our region with needed resources. Please share this information with anyone in the region who might find it helpful. Much of the information here was taken from so…

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County, FCSS and ESS ready to provide assistance

Today 700 hamburgers and buns along with a pallet of water was delivered by County Staff to help people in Wandering River and Grassland. (Photo) – Jordan Foy of Athabasca County assists Canadian Tire employee Justin Kendell to load a pallet of bottled water. ATHABASCA, AB  –  Athabasca County has remained in regular contact with…

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FCSS Lunch N’ Learn – Relationships in Conflict

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Hamlet and Roadway Cleanup

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New Handi-Van ready to transport clients

Joanne Peckham, Town of Athabasca Councillor (left) and Doris Splane, Athabasca County (right) accept a $1,500 sponsorship from Dora L’Heureux, Stakeholder Relations Manager at FortisAlberta Inc. The sponsorship will go towards the purchase of a new Handi-Van in the Athabasca region. The provision of transportation in the Athabasca Region, and the Municipal District of Opportunity, is the…

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Athabasca Pool Design Committee seeks members

The Pool Design Committee needs your help. As we move forward with the new regional Athabasca Landing Pool the committee is looking for members at large from across the Athabasca region. The committee will be selecting up to four new members of the public to help work with our architects and take us through design phase….

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Town and County set path to expedite pool project

         ATHABASCA, AB – Town and County Council members have reached consensus on the next steps for the new pool facility planned for Athabasca. The two councils met at the Athabasca Regional Multiplex on the evening of July 30, 2015, to discuss how to move forward given recent changes to the scope…

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Seniors’ Housing report now available

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Hamlet and Roadway Cleanup Program

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2015 Farm Women of the Year winners

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