Land Use Bylaw and Municipal Development Plan

Revised Version – June 2019

Athabasca County is working towards updating the Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 003-2019 (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) and  to more closely meet the needs of development today.

An initial round of Open Houses was held on April 24, May 2 and May 3 to present the first draft of the proposed bylaws to the public. Comments and suggestions were taken as part of the open houses, personal meetings, and a survey that was made available online and at the Open Houses.  (VIEW OPEN HOUSE INFORMATION)

The ideas submitted were considered and a revised version of the bylaws presented to County Council on Thursday, June 27, 2019. Council held First Reading of the revised bylaws initiating a Public Hearing as per the Municipal Government Act of Alberta which took place on Thursday, July 25, 2019. The feedback received is now being considered by Athabasca County.

How to View the Revised Bylaws

For easier viewing online, the Land Use Bylaw and Municipal Development Plan have been broken down into smaller sections and can be accessed by clicking and viewing the sections of them using the links below. Paper copies of the bylaws can be requested by emailing