Vegetation Management Project – Caslan

A non-commercial vegetation management project (mulching) will begin on Thursday, March 18, 2021, within the Hamlet of Caslan. 

The project has been approved by the Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA) and will take place on Athabasca County owned land.

Work will take place next to Caslan Crescent Road within SE-21-65-17-W4: Athabasca County, and will be 5.26 hectares in size. This work is scheduled to take up to three (3) weeks to complete.

The project contractor has been approved by Athabasca County and is in good standing.


For further information please contact:

Sheldon Schoepp

Athabasca County Regional Fire Chief

780-675-2273 | 1-844-662-2273