Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Hearing D22-031

Notice of Development Appeal Board Hearing

Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at 9:30 a.m.

County Administration Building – Council Chambers


Please be advised that a ‘Hearing’ of the Athabasca County Subdivision & Development Appeal Board will be held in regard to:

Development Authority decision dated July 18, 2022, of Development Permit application No. D22-031 for 40′ X 42′ (21′ high) accessory building and change to private camp permit D19-134 from allowing twenty recreational vehicles to thirty-six recreational vehicles at a location legally described as NE-7-65-18-W4.

Persons wishing to make a presentation at the Hearing may submit written briefs, however a verbal presentation will be accepted. It is in the best interest of affected persons to attend the Hearing. If attendance is not possible a written submission will be accepted prior to the Hearing and accepted into evidence at the Hearing.

If you do not feel comfortable meeting in person, please contact Lorraine Thorne at (780) 675-2273 to obtain a ZOOM link to the Hearing, or if you have any questions or concerns regarding this appeal as to procedure or information available.



Original Signed by the Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Clerk Lorraine Thorne