Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Hearing D21-159

Notice of Development Appeal Board Hearing

Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. – VIA ZOOM

County Administration Building – Council Chambers


Please be advised that a ‘Hearing’ of the Athabasca County Subdivision & Development Appeal Board will be held in regard to:

Development Authority decision dated August 24, 2021, of Development Permit application No. D21-159 for the placement of one additional recreational vehicle (R.V.) at a location legally described as Lot 16, Block 2, Plan 5979KS within LL-10-67-24-W4.

Persons wishing to make a presentation at the Hearing may submit written briefs, however a verbal presentation will be accepted. It is in the best interest of affected persons to attend the Hearing. If attendance is not possible a written submission will be accepted prior to the Hearing and accepted into evidence at the Hearing.

Please contact Lorraine Thorne at 780-675-2273 to obtain a ZOOM Link to the Hearing, or if you have any questions or concerns regarding this appeal as to procedure or information available.



Original Signed by the Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Clerk Lorraine Thorne