Athabasca County is seeking proposals from interested and qualified parties to conduct a Salary and Wage Survey of its staff.
Proposals must be received before 4:00 p.m. MST on February 25, 2016. Athabasca County will not accept submission of any Proposals after the closing date and time.
The original copy of the Proponent’s Proposal must be submitted on or before the Closing Date and Time in a sealed envelope marked “2016 Salary and Wage Survey”.
Proposals received after the closing date and/or time will not be accepted. E-mailed Proposals submitted to will be accepted.
Mailed or hand delivered Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked and identified as follows:
2016 Salary and Wage Survey
Attn: Ryan Maier, County Manager
3602 – 48 Avenue
Athabasca, AB
T9S 1M8