Request for Proposal – Supply & Operation of a Motor Grader

Sealed Proposals will be received by the undersigned up to 1:00 p.m. local time, Tuesday November 14, 2023 for the following works:


1)  Contract #GM2023-01
Supply & Operation of a Motor Grader
For the Wandering River #14 Grader
Maintenance Area   


Proposal Packages may be obtained at the Athabasca County Administration office, 3602-48 Avenue, Athabasca, AB, Telephone (780) 675-2273 after Tuesday October 31, 2023. Athabasca County reserves the right to accept or reject any proposals received.  The lowest or any proposal may not necessarily be accepted.  If further information is required detailing the proposal, please contact Roy Martin, Public Works Manager, (780) 675-2404.


Note:  If successful, the company with the winning proposal shall be awarded a contract for the work for which will have an initial term of one (1) year. The County, at its sole discretion, may extend this contract for an additional one (1) year (“first Extension Term”). Furthermore, with mutual written agreement between the parties, this contract may be extended for an additional one (1) year beyond First Extension Term (“Second Extension Term”). The maximum duration of this contract, including extensions, shall not exceed three (3) years.


All Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed as follows:

Contract #GM2023-01
Supply & Operation of a Motor Grader
For the Wandering River # 14 Grader
Maintenance Area
Athabasca County
3602 – 48 Avenue
Athabasca, AB T9S 1M8

Attention:        Jocelyn Whaley
Director of Infrastructure Services


Visit the attached link to see the the Alberta Purchasing Connection page for the contract.