Questions and Answers
Will sponsorship dollars be sought for the pool and fitness centre?
Yes. Contributions to the Regional Pool and Fitness Centre will help provide as many high quality amenities as possible. We are fortunate to have community partners that see the benefits of this project. Once a fundraising committee structure is put in place work will begin to coordinate a process for accepting contributions.
Can personal donations be made towards the project?
Absolutely! Individual and family donations will all go a long way to helping us meet our fundraising goal and providing a range of experiences and memories for everyone in the future.
Who is heading up fundraising for the pool and fitness centre?
There are a variety of Sponsorship Opportunities for the Pool & Fitness Centre and Athabasca Multiplex. Please contact Campaign Chairperson is Janene Kargus to find out more. You can also visit the Athabasca Regional Multiplex Campaign Facebook page for more information.