Athabasca County is considering passing Bylaw 033-2020 for the purpose of rescinding the following bylaws due to ownership change of the adjacent lands:
1. Bylaw 4-2002 Caretaker Agreement with respect to the road allowance described as:
- Western Boundary of SW 24-67-20-W4
- Eastern Boundary of SE 23-67-20 W4
2. Bylaw 13-2006 Caretaker Agreement with respect to the roadways described as:
- The Road Allowance adjacent to the Western Boundary of SW 1-69-20-W4
- Road Plan 792 1805 within Section 2-69-20-W4, east of Road Plan 942 1683
3. Bylaw 29-2008 Caretaker Agreement with respect to the roadway described as:
- Between the East ½ of 31-64-20-W4 and the West ½ of 32-64-20-W4
- Between the East ½ of 30-64-20-W4 and the West ½ of 29-64-20-W4
A Public Hearing has been scheduled for January 12, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., to allow the public an opportunity to express any concerns regarding Bylaw 033-2020.
Anyone wishing to address Council on this matter should provide written notification by 12 noon, January 11, 2021, to:
Infrastructure Services Department
3602 – 48th Avenue, Athabasca, AB T9S1M8
Phone: 780-675-2273 | Toll Free: 1-844-662-2273
Athabasca County Council will be holding a virtual meeting. The Public Hearing portion can be joined by those wishing to make a presentation using Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting:
One tap mobile
+16473744685, 7806752273# Canada
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Meeting ID: 780 675 2273
Dial By Your Location:
+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 587 328 1099 Canada
Meeting ID: 780 675 2273
The full meeting can be viewed on the Athabasca County YouTube channel beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 2021.