Public Hearing – Bylaw 018-2020

In accordance with the requirements of Section 606 of the Municipal Government Act, as amended, the Council of Athabasca County has scheduled a Public Hearing for July 30, 2020, at 9:30 a.m.

Bylaw No. 018-2020 proposes to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 004-2019 as follows:

The Land Use District Map is hereby amended by changing SE-8-72-17-W4 as indicated on Schedule “A”, from Agriculture (A) District to Recreational Commercial (C4) District.

Anyone wishing to address Council on these matters may provide a written statement by 12 noon, July 29, 2020, by forwarding it to:

Athabasca County
Planning & Development Department
3602 – 48th Avenue, Athabasca, AB T9S 1M8
(780) 675-2273 | 1-844-662-2273


Due to the Athabasca County meetings being held remotely, the Public Hearing portion can be joined by those wishing to make a presentation using Zoom.



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Meeting ID: 780 675 2273


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+1 647 374 4685 Canada
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Meeting ID: 780 675 2273


The full meeting will be available for viewing on the County YouTube channel: