Notice of Road Closure

The Council of Athabasca County intends to pass a Resolution in accordance with Section 24 of the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M26, RSA 2000.

Being a Resolution to close the following described road to public travel for the purpose of returning unnecessary lands to the existing configuration, subject to rights of access granted by other legislation or regulations.

All that portion of Road Plan 112 0605 labeled as ‘Extra Road’ within N.W. ¼ Sec.10, Twp.64, Rge.23 W.4M. containing 1.63 ha. (4.03 Acres) more or less.

The proposed Resolution will be voted on by Council at the December 17, 2019, Public Works Meeting.

A copy of the Resolution may be viewed by clicking on the link below:



Anyone wishing to address Council on this matter may provide their concerns in writing by 12 noon, December 16, 2019.

Infrastructure Services Department

3602 – 48th Avenue, Athabasca, AB   T9S 1M8

Phone: 780-675-2273  |  Toll Free: 1-844-662-2273
