At the July 27th Council Meeting, three public hearings were held for bylaws 03-2023, 05-2023, 07-2023.
The public hearing for Bylaw 003-2023 was held at 9:30am. Bylaw 003-2023 would impose a community aggregate payment levy in respect of all sand and gravel businesses operating within Athabasca County. A decision for this bylaw was made by Council during the July 27th meeting to move that Bylaw 003-2023 be given third and final reading as presented.
The public hearing for Bylaw 007-2023 was held at 9:30am. Bylaw 007-2023 would amend Land Use Bylaw 004-2019 to rezone a portion of SNW 14-70-17-4 from Agriculture (A) District to Light Industrial (CM1) District to develop a wrecking and scrap metal yard.
The public hearing for Bylaw 05-2023 was held at 1:30pm. Bylaw 005-2023 would amend Land Use Bylaw 004-2019 to rezone portions of SNE 7-65-18-4 from Recreational Commercial (C4) District to Campground Commercial (C5) District to become compliant with an existing 36 stall RV Campground.
A decision has not been made for Bylaw 007-2023 and Bylaw 05-2023. Council moved to table Bylaw 007-2023 and Bylaw 005-2023 to the next regular County Council meeting, which will be on August 31st, 2023.
The Council meeting and public hearings took place over 11 hours, with a large volume of written and verbal responses presented. The decision to push Bylaw 007-2023 and Bylaw 05-2023 to the August 31st Council Meeting was made to give consideration to the responses that were submitted.
Please note that under section 8.12 of the County Procedural Bylaw (Bylaw 013-2022) that once the public hearing is closed, Council can receive no further information on the matter.