Fire Advisory in Effect

Effective March 31, 2023, Athabasca County has issued a FIRE ADVISORY for that area of the County outside of the Forest Protection Area.

New fire permits will be issued for essential burning only.  The use of burn barrels and cooking and warming fires are still being permitted at this time.  Residents and visitors to Athabasca County are advised to use extreme caution and to be diligent in safety practices while conducting any burning.  Keep fires small and ensure it is completely extinguished before leaving the area.

Anyone who has conducted open burning during the winter is reminded to check their burn sites to ensure they are completely extinguished.

Athabasca County urges everyone to use extreme caution when working or driving in grassy areas and be mindful of debris collecting on hot exhaust which can heat up, fall to the ground, and start a wildfire.

You may view the status of all fire bans within the province at

Please contact us for more information:

780-675-2273 | 1-844-662-2273 |