Development Permit Notices

Applications for Development Permits have been REFUSED as follows:

Permit No.  2014-D0026

Zoning:  Rural Use District

Location:  SE 17-72-16 W4

Type:  25 Unit Recreational Vehicle Trailer Park

Applications for Development Permits have been Approved With Conditions as follows:

Permit No.  2014-D0007

Zoning:  Country Residential District

Location:  8121742-2-7 within Baywin Estates (SE 9-65-18 W4)

Type:  30′ x 42′ Storage Building with Height Variance – Allowing the Maximum Accessory Building Height to be Relaxed by 2.1 m (7.0 ft) from 4.6 m (15 ft) to 6.7 m (22.0 ft)

Permit No.  2014-D0012

Zoning:   Agricultural Use District

Location:   SE 26-67-24 W4

Type:  Reference Climate Station

Permit No. 2014-D0019

Zoning:  Country Residential District

Location:  7922478-2-2 within Balay Estates (SE 26-62-24 W4)

Type:  40′ X 42′ Accessory Building with a Variance Allowing the Maximum Accessory Building Height to be Relaxed by 3.0 m (10 ft) from 4.6 m (15 ft) to 7.6 m (25 ft)

Permit No.  2014-D0020

Zoning:  Rural Use District

Location:  SE 24-71-17 W4

Type:   Towing Service & Short Term Impound Lot

Permit No.  2014-D0023

Zoning:  Rural Use District

Location:  0924418-1-2 within SE 27-70-17 W4

Type: Stock Pile Site for Twinning Hwy 63

Permit No.  2014-D0024

Zoning:  Hamlet Commercial District

Location:  1420224-1-1 within Hamlet of Grassland (SW 28-67-18 W4)

Type:  Post Office within Existing Commercial/Retail Business

Permit No. 2014-D0025

Zoning:  Country Residential District

Location:  9523601–1 within LL 7-67-24 w4

Type:  48′ x 68′ Accessory Building with a Height Variance allowing the Maximum Accessory Building Height to be Relaxed by 3.0 m (10 ft) from 4.6 m (15 ft) to 7.6 m (25 ft) and a Front Yard Setback to be Relaxed from by 30.4 m (99.5 ft) from 38 m (124.5 ft) to 7.6 m (25 ft)

Any person affected by this decision may appeal to the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, Athabasca County, 3602 – 48 Ave., Athabasca, AB, T9S 1M8. Such an appeal to the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board shall be in writing containing a statement of the grounds of appeal including an Appeal Fee of $200.00 and shall be delivered either in person or by registered mail so as to reach him no later than fourteen (14) days following the date of publication of this notice.  Appeals on these listed developments may be filed up until closing at the Athabasca County office on March 18, 2014.

Joyce Butson,
Development Officer