Development Permit Approvals for the Week of August 30th 2023

Permitted Use:



30′ x 30′ (18′ high) barn

P7721040; B2; L69 within NW 23-62-23-W4 (Div. 1)

Decision Date: August 30, 2023



30′ x 42′ (20′ high) pole shed and existing

14′ x 40′ covered deck on cabin

P8121742; B2; L8 within SE 9-65-18-W4 (Div. 3)

Decision Date: August 28, 2023



24′ x 32′ (20′ high) two storey dwelling with a 8′ x 32′ covered deck, 14′ x 20′ (12′ high) shed, 24′ x 24′ (16′ high) detached garage

P1026915; B1: L6 within NW 34-66-22-W4 (Div. 9)

Decision Date: August 28, 2023



Anyone claiming to be affected by the approval may submit an appeal within 21 days from the date of the decision. The appeal must be in writing and in accordance with the Municipal Government Act. Please contact our office for further information on the appropriate appeal body.


For more information contact:

Planning & Development Department

780-675-2273 | 1-844-662-2273 |