With the Government of Alberta’s announcement of advancing to Stage 2 having taken place, preparations are being made by the County for the reopening of our buildings to the public.
The reopening of the following facilities will take place on Monday, July 6, 2020:
• Athabasca County Administration Office
8 am to 4 pm | Monday to Friday
• Family & Community Support Services (FCSS)
– remote services currently being offered will continue
– a staggered launch of in-person services will take place
– programs will be accessible to the public through appointments and pre-registered groups during Phase 2. Call 780-675-2623 for more info.
Please Note: The Public Works shop will remain closed to the public.
We will be implementing measures in our buildings similar to what is being experienced in other public facilities, with physical barriers, floor markings, and social distancing measures in place.
These measures will remain in place to protect staff and the public.