Grant Programs
Recreation Services
Athabasca County contributes funds to local individuals and organizations through a number of annual grants. The grants recognize the importance of recreation in our communities and help volunteers continue their valuable work to make our County a great place to live and work. Funding is allocated annually for the grants and the applications for them are reviewed and approved by the board based on deadlines and guidelines set out in the Athabasca County Municipal Policy Handbook. Please click on the grant links below to review criteria and information about them.
Youth Assistance Grant
Athabasca County contributes funds to local individuals and organizations that have progressed in their activity to the Provincial, National or International level, or to an equivalent level. The County provides this funding according to the following guidelines: 1. Funds are provided to individuals or organizations that reside/exist within the region. 2. All local sports and cultural activities will be considered by County Council and the Recreation Department. 3. Youth considered will be 18 years of age or under. 4. Letters requesting financial assistance should include:
a) Number of participants and breakdown of residence locations of team/group and coaching/management staff.
b) Where the group is going and for how long.
c) Who the assistance grant should be made payable to.
d) A statement of how the individual or group progressed to the competition or activity.
5. Funding is based on $500 per team or group and $200 for individuals that participate in provincial level competition and may be authorized. Each individual or team will only be approved for one provincial competition per activity per year. 6. Allocations for national or international level competition shall be authorized by a resolution of County Council. 7. All funding is contingent on approval of the Recreation Operational budget by Athabasca County.
Community Assistance Grant
1. Assistance may be provided to community organizations within the region. Fixed Capital Assets must be located on property owned or leased by the organization or by Athabasca County. The annual application deadline is April 30. 2. Assistance may be provided to community organizations whose proposals demonstrate the following:
- Are complimentary to the objectives of the Recreation Department and County
- Are a benefit to the community
- Show community involvement and support
- Ensure long term viability
- Show sound organizational planning
- Meet all applicable federal, provincial and municipal requirements
3. Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate a need in the following areas:
- public health and safety requirements
- accessibility needs (handicapped, senior-friendly)
- operational (upgrades, additions, exterior structures)
- energy efficiency
4. Any funding received by the community organization from County Council in the past year may reduce or eliminate funding available through the Community Assistance Grant Program.
- Assistance over $1,000 may be provided to formally established community organizations, which are incorporated under the Alberta Societies’ Act, Agricultural Societies’ Act or similar legislation.
- Assistance up to $1,000 may be provided to unincorporated, not for profit, volunteer community organizations.
7. Athabasca County may provide assistance up to 50% of the total value of the project. Grants will not be awarded for amounts less than $500 or more than $5,000. Grant requests exceeding $5,000 must be approved/denied by Athabasca County Council. 8. The matching contribution may be a combination of cash, in-kind contributions for items or materials at market value, or, in-kind contributions at rates set by Alberta Culture and Tourism: Community Grant Program, for the following:
- Unskilled labour
- Skilled labour
- Heavy equipment with operator
9. Grants over $1,000 – half of the grant will be forwarded on approval; second half upon statement of completion and financial statement approval by the Manager of Recreation Services. 10. Grants under $1,000 – the manager of Recreation Services will forward full payment of the grant upon completion and financial statement approval. 11. Any assistance is contingent on approval of the recreation budget set by Athabasca County Council.
Outdoor Rink Assistance Grant
Athabasca County will allocate an operating assistance grant to community organizations that actively maintain and operate an outdoor skating rink.
For the purposes of this grant a statement signed by two members of the community organization stating they operated an outdoor rink during the past season will be accepted. The grant is available immediately following the most recent operating season. The grant is not available for operating seasons outside of the most recent winter. The application deadline is set at June 30th annually. Applications must be submitted using the application form attached to the policy (Schedule A).
Community Rinks – outdoor skating rinks eligible for this grant shall be Rochester, Colinton, Grassland, Perryvale, Wandering River, Richmond Park and Aspen Ridge Estates.
Neighbourhood Rinks – Athabasca County may consider any other neighbourhood rink, but they are subject to approval and budgetary allocation by Athabasca County Council.
Outdoor skating rinks are allowed a maximum of $3,000 per year upon documentation of actual receipts for power, water, maintenance and other operating expenses.
Community Hall Assistance Grant
Athabasca County will allocate, upon approval of its annual budget, an operating assistance grant to community organizations that actively maintain and operate a Community Hall in Athabasca County. DEFINITION Community Hall – A facility owned and/or operated by a community group that is made available to the general public for usage through rentals or free bookings. The property must be within Athabasca County boundary and form part of Athabasca County Assessment Roll. GRANT GUIDELINES 1. Each community hall association or society will make application for Community Hall Assistance Program on an annual basis. 2. The application deadline shall be March 1 of each year. 3. The amount of each assistance grant will be a maximum of 50% of the previous years’ power, gas, and building & liability insurance bills; GST is excluded from the amounts awarded. 4. Each Application shall include the following:
- Copies of the previous calendar years’ power, gas and insurance bills
- Name and address to which assistance will be sent
- Summary of activities at the Community Hall for the year being funded
A community hall must have power, natural gas, and insurance costs on an ongoing basis in order to be eligible for a grant. ELIGIBLE COMMUNITY HALLS Athabasca County maintains a list of eligible Community Halls as part of the Community Hall Assistance Program Policy 7625. The list can be viewed by clicking on the policy link.
Grants to Organizations
Athabasca County recognizes the valuable contributions made by community organizations and volunteer groups to improve the well-being of the community and the quality of life for its residents. In recognition of these contributions, the County is committed to providing assistance to such organizations through its municipal grant program. Support is provided each year from the County’s operating budget to qualifying organizations through an established application process.
Athabasca County has established a Grants to Organizations Policy that offers grants to not-for-profit community groups, teams, organizations of the County for community development purposes.
4.1 Funding will be made available to the following categories:
a) Community Development: The application should assist with hosting a significant local, regional, provincial, national, or international event within or near the County. Support may be given to significant key events that have a major role in facilitating community life and well-being. Organizations or events that promote economic development activities or initiatives will be considered more favourably. Special projects by organizations that have a favourable benefit to the County may also be considered.
b) Culture/Recreation/Sport Development: The application should enhance development of initiatives that support healthy living through strategies, programs, and activities. The initiatives may assist with participation in events of local, provincial, national, or international significance. Preference will be given to the development of local events. For applications requesting travel assistance outside of the community, Council will consider grants up to 20% of the total travel costs up to a maximum of $1,500 per application.
6.1 Consideration of applications will be given only if the Applicants meet the following criteria:
a) The applicant is a not-for-profit community group, team, organization, or association.
b) The applicant has demonstrated the significant value and benefits that the project will have to the community by developed partnerships and volunteer opportunities.
c) Applicants applying for grants must be in good standing with the County.
d) Applicants will have completed previous, required final reports before new applications are considered.
e) Applicants having an outstanding balance with the Athabasca County are not eligible for a Council grant.
f) Joint applications are acceptable and encouraged, however responsibility for the finances and accountability must be clearly defined.
Economic Development Incentive Program
The expansion of the local economic base provides a wide range of opportunities and positive benefits for residents, industry, and local institutions through expanded investment, increased employment opportunities, and increased municipal revenue. Expanded local investment improves the value of local businesses, increases employment, and provides additional revenue to local institutions to pay for the services demanded by local residents. To encourage investment in the regional economy Athabasca County is generally prepared to defer, for a short period of time, the tax revenue that new and/or additional development generates within the County. More information about the Economic Development Incentive Program can be obtained by contacting the Athabasca County Administration Office or reviewing the policy relating to it by clicking on the link.
Local Cemetery Improvement Program
To encourage the maintenance of local cemeteries and support the work of communities and non-profit organizations who conduct it, Athabasca County provides incentive funding to help this important work to take place. Overall improvements to the cemetery itself or individual grave sites within the cemetery can qualify for a maximum of $3,000 every two years. Work includes fencing, landscaping, leveling grave depressions, erecting commemorative plaques signs, markers, recording data on headstones, and providing information concerning unmarked graves.