Athabasca County FCSS News


December 2021

ATHABASCA COUNTY FAMILY & COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES (FCSS) provides a wide range of services designed to promote individual, family and community wellness.  This program is a partnership between the Alberta Government, Athabasca County, Town of Athabasca, Village of Boyle, and the Summer Villages of Mewatha, West Baptiste, Sunset Beach and Island Lake South.

Athabasca Mentorship Program 2021/2022

The Athabasca Mentorship started up once again this year after a break last year due to the pandemic. On Friday, November 26, we kicked off the year with a small luncheon at LTIS and WHPS for the mentors, mentees, and one parent/caregiver for each child in the program. Everyone is excited to see the program back in operation once again!

We are thrilled to have 24 mentors currently in the program, but we are still taking applications for mentors. This year we had around 70 students (grade 3 & 4) turn in mentee applications, so we are not even at half the number of mentors we could use. All that’s required is to meet once/week at the student’s school at lunchtime. You eat lunch with the student and do an activity together (sports, crafts, reading, games, baking). We also accept high school students in grade 11 or 12 as mentors. They can earn credits while having fun hanging out with a younger student. This is a fun way to contribute to the betterment of your community.

For more information, contact Nadine Wiselka at or phone 780-675-2623.

Family School Liaison Program

The Family School Liaison Program is a free-of-charge, client-based, goal-focused program provided by FCSS.  This program is also supported by Aspen View Schools.

The program is designed to meet the social and emotional needs of children and youth who are experiencing difficulties. It provides support, encouragement, and ideas in a non-judgmental, confidential manner.  Referrals can be made through the school or by contacting FCSS.

Seniors’ Advocate

Our Seniors’ Advocate is now a Community Dementia Ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Society. In the New Year, a display will be at Alice B. Donahue Library in Athabasca with information on resources available on Dementia and Alzheimer’s. The Alzheimer’s Support Group at Athabasca County – FCSS will be beginning in the New Year, as well as sessions for Care for the Caregivers. For more information on Dementia resources, upcoming groups and sessions, contact the Seniors Advocate – Kim Lewis, at (780) 675-2623.

Northern Lakes Family Resource Network (NLFRN) Hub

Athabasca County FCSS serves as “The Hub” for the Northern Lakes Family Resource Network which serves the communities of Athabasca, Boyle, Grassland, Rochester, Caslan, Calling Lake, Lac La Biche and Plamondon.

The Hub is located in the Athabasca County FCSS Building.  The Hub Coordinator (along with other network and FCSS staff) works with families to identify their needs and access the services and resources that will assist them in meeting those needs.

Family Resource Network services and supports focus on:
–  Strengthening the knowledge of parents and caregivers Social support
–  Coping and problem-solving skills
–  Improving child and youth development
–  Building resiliency
–  Access to community supports and resources

The two NLFRN spokes provided through Athabasca County FCSS are the Family Wellness Program and the Family Centre.  For more information, please go to the NLFRN Facebook page.

Athabasca Family Centre and Family Wellness Program – NLFRN Highlighted Events

The Athabasca Family Centre and Family Wellness Program joined together and presented two great events for families this year. The Rock Hunt and The Holiday Hunt had families pick up activities, challenges, and parenting resource kits.  The families had to complete the activities and challenges and take a picture of themselves to be entered into a prize draw. With the overwhelming participation in these events, we will be continuing the hunts four times a year (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall).

For more information and to see other programs happening, please visit the Athabasca Family Centre Facebook page.         


3598 – 48th Avenue,  Athabasca, AB  T9S 1T9

Phone: (780) 675-2623     Fax: (780) 675-5933

 Office Hours:  Monday – Friday

8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

(Closed for lunch from noon until 1pm)


To learn more about Athabasca FCSS visit: Family and Community Support Services – Athabasca County