After former Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Mr. Rod Risling announced his resignation and departure from his position in July 2022, Athabasca County Council began recruitment activities to fill the position. Following a competitive recruitment process, Council passed a motion at the September 13, 2022, regular Council meeting to appoint Mr. Christopher Parker as the County’s new CAO.
Mr. Parker holds a Certification of Local Government Managers (CLGM) designation and served as CAO for the Town of Peace River since 2015. Before his position in Peace River, Mr. Parker was the CAO for the Town of Beaverlodge for two years.
“I am pleased to announce that Mr. Parker has accepted the appointment as CAO for Athabasca County,” said Reeve Brian Hall. “With his municipal experience, Council and I believe Mr. Parker is well suited to lead the County as we continue to strive for success.”
Council previously appointed Mr. Frank Coutney as the Interim CAO until the permanent position was filled. “I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Frank Coutney for the time, knowledge, and expertise that he has offered us in such a short time,” Reeve Hall added.
The CAO is the only employee of Council, is the administrative lead of County operations, and is responsible for the County’s day-to-day activities.
Mr. Parker will assume the permanent CAO position effective September 19, 2022. “I am very excited to work with the staff, Council and ratepayers of Athabasca County,” said Mr. Parker.