2024 Budgets and Tax Rate Bylaw Adopted by Council

Following budget deliberations that began in September 2023, Athabasca County Council approved a three-year operating budget and five-year financial capital plan at their regular Council meeting held on May 14, 2024. During the same meeting, Council passed first and second readings for the 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw.

The budget for 2024, both operating and capital, is based on the forecast of tax revenues amounting to $30,667,592. The total expenses are expected to be $35,080,294. Notable expenses include:

– $4.7 million for eight bridge projects (repairs, etc.),
– $3.6 million for a paving project, yet to be confirmed,
– $1.9 million to repair the ALPAC bridge, pending grant approval,
– $367,000 for the purchase of a tender (fire) truck for Colinton (already delivered),
– $350,000 for chip sealing (road hard surfacing test project),
– $300,000 to plan and design a new public works shop to replace aging infrastructure and modernize amenities,
– $165,000 to replace the Community Transportation Bus, and
– $135,000 for water and wastewater improvements.

Funds have also been set aside for the upgrades to various fleet vehicles and four plow trucks.

Apart from the expenses outlined above, a separate budget has been allocated for emergency management. This budget will include expenses for training, operational costs, communication equipment, and contracts. A portion of these costs will be covered by a provincial grant.

Additionally, the Fire Protection Services will receive an increased investment in members to enhance training opportunities and to support the completion of repair and maintenance projects.

In response to a thorough compensation review, funds are allocated to implement a new pay grid in 2024.

The budget includes contributions to reserves for snow clearing, gravel pit reclamation, energy efficiency, and green initiatives.

Reeve Brian Hall emphasized, “The 2024 budget prioritizes service enhancements, capital projects, and emergency response resources. It aligns with Council’s commitment to providing organizational excellence and sound planning for the future.”

2024 Tax Rate Bylaw Adopted
Property taxes collected in 2024 will pay for the County’s day-to-day operations, service enhancements and special projects. On May 16, 2024, Council gave the third reading to 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw 010-2024, bringing it into effect. Some property owners may see an increase in their annual tax notice, while others may notice a decrease, depending on the assessed value of the property.

Tax notices are being prepared by administration and will be mailed to residents on May 31, 2024.