Asphalt Removals, Gravel Placement & Paving
July 10 – 20, 2022
7:00 am – 7:00 pm
Athabasca County & Peterson Construction Ltd. wish to advise you that construction at Blue Heron Estates is scheduled to begin on approximately July 10, 2022. Minor detours will be required throughout the project affecting the normal movement of traffic and pedestrians. Work will include asphalt removals, gravel placement and paving. There will be numerous personnel and heavy equipment in the construction zone. Please obey flaggers, detours, and traffic signs. All construction staff will do their best to keep inconveniences for motorists to a minimum.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Athabasca County
Robert Dauphinee
Director of Infrastructure Services
Thank you for your patience and consideration during this construction.