2024 Fence Line Spray Program Applications Open

Athabasca County’s Fence Line Spraying Program is accepting applications.

The program helps to control noxious weeds along fence lines and headlands (Please note that completing the headlands adjacent to county roads will take priority over the fence line program). This program complements the annual roadside spray program, which controls brush, noxious and prohibited noxious weeds along County right of ways.

  • Fence lines adjacent to County roads will be sprayed at no cost.

  • Fence lines and headlands that are not adjacent to County roads will be treated to a MAX of 5 metres wide and will be subject to a charge of $75.00 per 1/2 mile treated or $75.00 per hour, whichever is greater.
  • There will be a minimum charge of $75.00 per parcel for internal fence lines. $75.00 per 1/2 mile.

Applications can be mailed, emailed or brought in person to the County office. Applications must have signatures.

The program application can be found and downloaded here.