Early Childhood Development

The ECD Program works closely with the Parent Link Centre to provide early childhood activities, parent support and skills development to families in need.  Limited subsidies for other ECD program fees, parent education and transportation are available.

What is the difference between Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Parent Link?

ECD is geared towards the child development needs of 0-6 year olds. Parent Link includes parenting education for parents of children 0-18 years old. Parent Link centers all offer:

  • Parent Education programs,
  • Programs for young children to learn and play,
  • Family support services such as nutrition programs, counseling, clothing exchanges, and
  • Information and referrals to other parenting support and child development programs.

ECD is an enhancement to the Parent Link program.

What programs does ECD offer?

Partners In Time, Fitness for Life, Gymnastics, Crafts at Parent Link Drop-In, Community Playgroup visits in Rochester, Boyle, and Grassland.

To see a full schedule of what ECD has going on check out the Parent Link Calendar:


Are subsidies available? Where do I go for subsidy help?

Subsidies are available for all approved ECD programs. Respite care can be arranged for qualifying families in need. You can contact the ECD or Parent Link staff for help applying for subsidies 780-675-2623 or fcss-ecd@athabascacounty.com.